About Deo

Deo Padgett is a retired Christian School educator, with a career spanning thirty-nine years ministering at two different junior/senior campuses in the San Francisco Bay Area. Deo has worn many hats – he has been a teacher, vice- principal, principal, athletic director, student council advisor, coach, bus driver, and class advisor. He primarily taught Algebra and Geometry; but his passion was to teach God’s Word in the school’s Bible classes.

In 1984, he was licensed in the Assemblies of God as a Minister of Christian Education. In 1996, he and his wife, Christine, began a home church with the Assemblies of God. This continued until 1999, when Deo left the Assemblies of God and became a licensed minister with United Evangelical Church. The home church continued under this organization. The home church was discontinued in 2004, but the 501-c3 organization, Grace Fellowship, continues to this day. Currently, Grace Fellowship serves two missionaries, handling their receipts and donations.

Upon retirement in 2009, Deo continued to keep busy tutoring mathematics and be a substitute teacher both in a Christian School and in the public school system. Deo is currently working as a para-instructor in the public school system with autistic students.

Throughout his walk with the Lord, he has had many opportunities to minister God’s Word. He has taught Christian School Bible classes, and adult Sunday School classes, he has been the school’s chapel coordinator, and chapel speaker. He has been part of many home groups as a facilitator and a member. He has been a pastor/teacher of the home church. He has served the local church as a Minister of Christian Education, Board Member, Deacon, Mission board member, men’s group member and coordinator, and a Family Camp director.

His passion is to teach God’s Word encouraging true believers to continue their walk with the Lord. The purpose of this BLOG is to be a forum to help believers in Christ to focus on the Lord. We live in a world filled with many boisterous words that distract, bring turmoil, confusion, chaos, and uncertainty. The Body of Christ needs to step aside and shut out the noise of the many voices disrupting the world and listen singularly to the quiet voice of the Lord that encourages us to “Be still and know that I am God…”. (Psalm 46:10)

Deo’s desire is to share living words of encouragement that bring peace, truth and strength so others can continue steadfastly until the Lord returns.

As the words of an old chorus instruct us, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

Let us go forth…